As women, we are faced with far too much noise and not nearly enough science-backed nutrition advice

That makes it hard to know who to trust and which action steps to take

As a result, many women (and quite possibly you) keep putting up with health concerns that could be put to bed with the right nutrients and lifestyle adjustments.

Science has shown that the food we eat fuels our bodies

I’m on a mission to demystify women’s nutrition so you can look and feel great from the inside out

Luckily, making smarter, nutrient-dense choices can fit into even the busiest of lifestyles.

Over the past 8+ years studying all facets of nutrition, I have gathered the latest science-based advice to fast-track your journey towards achieving your unique health goals—whether that’s falling pregnant, having more energy, thriving during menopause or healthier skin—without wasting your time, energy or resources!

The first step?

A conscious decision to learn what your body needs, how you can fuel it, and which lifestyle shifts can support you on this journey… with my science-backed guidance!

Keen to hear from others?

Here’s a participant who attended one of our nutrition webinars and never looked back

“Courtney’s presentation provided a great overall explanation of the research with practical considerations – it was well-presented and easily digestible. She provided easy ways to incorporate more plant proteins that are realistic for me.”

Webinar participant

How you can get science-based nutrition support today


Explore my audits, masterclasses, short courses and resources, specifically designed to give women science-based nutrition solutions for glowing skin, vitality, gut and hormone health


Keen to hear from others?

Here’s another nutrition webinar participant

“Courtney’s presentation was very informative, rich in research and provided a clear overview of complicated nutrition information which was helpful if you aren’t as familiar with it. She gave a clear outline and process through the subject, good visuals and easy to follow – good detail, but not too much.”

Webinar participant

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