What to eat when pregnant to nourish your baby

What to eat when pregnant to nourish your baby

Cushii x Dr Courtney Thompson, NPR Consulting

here is a lot of commentary on the internet, blog posts, friends and family on what to eat when you are pregnant and want to nourish your baby. This is a transformative life event, so perhaps you’re already feeling overwhelmed with what you should or shouldn’t be doing.

So instead, we partnered with Cushii to talk about what you can do with your nutrition with our pre-natal nutrition guide. This includes four simple key food categories to focus on to cover all the vital nutrients for your pre-natal journey.

If you want to tick off on some of the key nutrients we mention in the blog, there is also our FREE One Pan Easy Chicken Curry recipe.

Check out our blog post with Cushii HERE.


What we delve into in more detail in the blog

Greens and Grains:

Nourishing your body during pregnancy is crucial, and leafy greens such as spinach and kale, coupled with grains like wholegrain bread, cereals, quinoa, and rice, play a vital role.

Meat, Poultry, Legumes, and Beans:

Protein and iron are paramount during pregnancy, contributing not only to muscle development but also forming essential tissues for your growing baby.

Dairy or Plant-Based Alternatives:

For building a strong skeletal structure for your baby, calcium is indispensable. Plant-based enthusiasts can choose fortified alternatives like soy, almond, or oat milk, ensuring a minimum of 100mg of calcium per 100mL.


Essential nutrients found in fish, such as Vitamin D, Omega-3 fats, and iodine, are vital for your baby’s brain, nerve, cognitive, and visual development. Fish consumption is associated with preventing pre-term labor, reducing the risk of pre-eclampsia, and preventing perinatal depression.


While maintaining proper prenatal nutrition is crucial, it’s important not to be too hard on yourself. Pregnancy brings numerous challenges, including morning sickness, cravings, and hormonal changes. Remember to prioritize self-care and enjoy foods that nourish your soul during this incredible journey.

Want to read more on this topic? Check out our latest blog on Post-natal nutrition key food and links to sleep.

post-natal nutrition better sleep


Dr Courtney Stewart (RNutr, FHEA)

BNutrSc, BBiomedSc(Hons), PhD
Director, NPR Consulting

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