Development, validation and item reduction of a food literacy questionnaire (IFLQ-19) with Australian adults

Thompson, C., Byrne, R., Adams, J., Vidgen, H.A.


Vidgen & Gallegos(1) define food literacy is defined as the “… scaffolding that empowers individuals, households, communities or nations to protect diet quality through change and strengthen dietary resilience over time.” Their conceptualisation consists of 11 components organised under four inter-related domains of planning and managing, selecting, preparing and eating. While food literacy surveys have been developed(2-12), they are either the result of exclusive consultation with experts, not general public, or fail to comprehensively measure all 11 components of the Vidgen & Gallegos conceptualisation. In order to address the limitations with existing surveys, work has been conducted by Vidgen and colleagues since 2014 to develop a comprehensive food literacy measure. The purpose of this research was to describe the final stages of the work, by determining the validity, reliability and consistency of a food literacy questionnaire which comprehensively measures the four domains and 11 components of food literacy.


Thompson, C., Byrne, R., Adams, J., Vidgen, H.A. (2023, July 22-25). Development, validation and item reduction of a food literacy questionnaire (IFLQ-19) with Australian adults. In American Society for Nutrition Nutrition 2023 Conference.

Dr Courtney Stewart (RNutr, FHEA)

BNutrSc, BBiomedSc(Hons), PhD
Director, NPR Consulting

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